Whether you get help or do it on your own, I know you can make it happen. Just take the first step.
1. I’m going to clear off my desk, purge my files, and make my office a pleasant place to work again. I know it’s overwhelming, but just bite off the smallest portion possible. Usually, sorting through papers and getting rid of everything you know can go straight into the recycling bin is a great place to start. It’s quick and easy and leaves you with a much smaller pile to deal with.
2. I’m going to tame that closet that makes me fear an avalanche every time I open it. You might want a buddy for this one and a block of time. I recommend pulling everything out so you can see what you’ve got and start with a clean slate putting the keepers back in.

4. I’m going to make room in the kitchen so I can find everything and cook peacefully. This one can be easier since kitchens are already divided into cabinets and drawers. Starting with countertops can help clear your mind enough to take on what’s lurking behind cabinet doors.

6. I’m going to work out regularly. I mean it this time! I’ve struggled with this one myself, and after years of feeling like a failure, I came to a realization: I hate the gym. I just needed to find another way to exercise. Pick something you actually enjoy doing and can maintain as a routine. Most of all, be realistic so you set yourself up for success!
See if you can find the fun in all this! Invite a friend over to help and cook her a nice meal afterwards. Pull your family together and celebrate together when you see what you’ve accomplished. If you need professional help, I’m ready to dive in and tackle the toughest spots you’ve got. Help is just a phone call or email away.