The KonMari Method

After reading the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Condo and hearing so many of my friends and clients mention it, I started to use her KonMari Method on myself. I was surprised to find that it truly is life changing. I knew right away that I needed to offer this service to my clients.
If you haven't read the book, you can buy it here. It's a short, easy read and gives very detailed instructions for combing through every item in your house and asking yourself if it "sparks joy." I've found myself asking this question about other aspects of my life as well, which is what makes this book life changing, just as it promises.
If you're living in Marin County or San Francisco, California, and you're ready for this kind of all-encompassing change for the better, I'm here to guide you through the KonMari Method. It might be overwhelming to take it on all by yourself, so if you do need help, I'm here. Here's what we'll do:
Over the course of six months or less, we'll meet at least once per week and go through everything in your house, piece by piece, in the author's prescribed way, starting with clothing. I'll guide you to make your own decisions about whether every item sparks joy or not for you.
Along the way, we'll be donating and sometimes replacing everything that doesn't spark joy. I'll assist in deciding where to donate everything, how to find replacements when necessary, and how to make everything you keep serve you in the best possible way.
I'm very excited to get started with you on this once-in-a-lifetime process. Give me a call or email me to set up our first session.
If you haven't read the book, you can buy it here. It's a short, easy read and gives very detailed instructions for combing through every item in your house and asking yourself if it "sparks joy." I've found myself asking this question about other aspects of my life as well, which is what makes this book life changing, just as it promises.
If you're living in Marin County or San Francisco, California, and you're ready for this kind of all-encompassing change for the better, I'm here to guide you through the KonMari Method. It might be overwhelming to take it on all by yourself, so if you do need help, I'm here. Here's what we'll do:
Over the course of six months or less, we'll meet at least once per week and go through everything in your house, piece by piece, in the author's prescribed way, starting with clothing. I'll guide you to make your own decisions about whether every item sparks joy or not for you.
Along the way, we'll be donating and sometimes replacing everything that doesn't spark joy. I'll assist in deciding where to donate everything, how to find replacements when necessary, and how to make everything you keep serve you in the best possible way.
I'm very excited to get started with you on this once-in-a-lifetime process. Give me a call or email me to set up our first session.