As you go through your 2013 files, see if there are older files and papers that are no longer relevant. Some may be years old. The IRS requires just seven years of tax returns, so anything older can be destroyed to make room for the new.
I did this last year and was amazed how much I could toss into the recycling bin. NOTE: This isn’t a stock photo; the piles in this photo are actually mine! I was thrilled to reclaim so much file cabinet space, into which I could relocate office supplies — thereby removing clutter from my shelves. It felt great!
You, too, can turn a daunting tax-time project into an easy and rewarding experience. You can do it while seated, you can stay in one place, the decisions are usually easy, and most of the detritus goes to one place, the recycling bin. If you do feel intimidated, simply start with one file, or just one drawer. Every piece of paper you remove brings you closer to a peaceful, clutter-free home office.